Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Strength's & Weaknesses

My challenge is Digital Imaging.
I would like to explore different types of Digital Imaging.
I have chosen this because i would like to learn more about Digital Imaging, mainly with photoshop.

Strength's & Weaknesses

Strength's: Creative Mind, Good Imagination, Steady Hands, Basic Knowledge

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, Never know what to add to an image, usually try out new things and see how things look,

Planning needed for my Arts Challenge:

The planning the stages for my digital images will be to find suitable images to put into photoshop and apply a series of digital effects to so as to create something new.

Good places to find images from that I could use are:


Next, I need to find other images online that have had effects applied like the ones I am wanting to do for my own challenge.

I will be getting similar images to this one and adding my own effects to it using Adobe Photoshop, i will be getting different types but similar to this one and adding effects to each individual one.

The next stage would be to find information on changing a background and adding effects to that background in PhotoShop.

Places for online tutorials could be:




Then I will need to follow the instructions on some of these tutorials and apply the changes to my choice of images to make it work, adding colour, flares etc.

 After looking at the finished work we have to share it with others through putting it up on my blog and getting comments from other people in the class.

Then I can read through these comments, and review and evaluate the work I have produced for the challenge and say what went well and what could have been improved..

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